Player Tips: Pitcher Brandon Barriera Talks About Getting Strength from Your Legs

Meet Brandon Barrier, an exceptional pitcher from American Heritage in Plantation, Florida. In this captivating video, Brandon shares valuable insights on the often overlooked power of the legs in pitching. He debunks the misconception that pitching relies solely on the upper body, emphasizing the crucial role of the legs. Brandon shares his secret to success, advising pitchers to sink into their back hip and find a stable position that engages and strengthens the legs. By bending the back leg halfway, pitchers create a solid foundation to generate force and propel the pitch forward. Brandon's expert tip underscores the importance of leg power in achieving pitching excellence. Brandon Barrier is a rising star in high school baseball, displaying remarkable skills and an impressive knowledge of the game. His journey thus far has been defined by unwavering dedication and hard work, with American Heritage serving as a catalyst for his growth and development. Scouts and college programs have taken notice of Brandon's talent, as he aspires to play at the collegiate level. Continuously refining his technique and expanding his repertoire, Brandon's evolution promises an exciting future in the world of baseball.