James Henderson Jr, Forward from Miami's Westminster Christian, Chats with the Recruiting Trail

Meet James Henderson Jr., a rising basketball star from Westminster Christian in Miami, Florida. Standing tall at six feet eight inches, James has caught the attention of college coaches nationwide. However, the recruiting process has been particularly challenging for high school seniors like James due to the pandemic. With college seniors granted an extra year of eligibility and coaches unable to travel, offers have been harder to come by. Nevertheless, James remains optimistic, trusting that everything will fall into place according to a higher plan. Not only is James a standout player for his high school team, but he has also been making waves with Belmont Shore, an AAU team based in California. With his dominant presence on defense and strong leadership on the court, James ensures that his team is in the right positions and performing at their best. He sees himself as a leader on both offense and defense, willing to do whatever it takes to help his team succeed. With all eyes on him, James is poised for a bright future in college basketball.