Jalan Jenkins - Evanston Linebacker - Highlights

Meet Jalen Jenkins, a standout linebacker from Evanston High School in Illinois. Despite facing the challenges of Erbs palsy, a condition affecting the nerves in his right arm, Jalen has excelled on the football field as a two-year starter and team captain. His determination and skill have earned him a coveted spot on the Indiana State football team next season, showcasing his resilience and passion for the sport. Join us in celebrating Jalen's inspiring journey, a powerful reminder that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. Watch the video to witness his triumph over adversity and be inspired by his story of overcoming limitations. Witness the incredible journey of Jalen Jenkins, a high school athlete who defied all odds. Overcoming the challenges posed by Erbs palsy, a condition affecting his right arm, Jalen has emerged as a celebrated linebacker for Evanston High School in Illinois. His remarkable achievements on the football field have not only earned him the role of team captain but have also caught the attention of college recruiters. Join us in celebrating his inspiring story of perseverance and determination. Discover how Jalen's relentless pursuit of his dreams has led him to secure a spot on the Indiana State football team. Check out the video to witness Jalen's unwavering spirit and be reminded of the limitless potential of high school athletes.