D'Jery Baptiste, Schnider Herard - Plano Prestonwood Basketball

Tajiri Baptiste and Schneider Hard, extraordinary athletes from Plano Prestonwood in Texas, have triumphed against all odds to chase their dreams in basketball. Coming from Haiti, a country ravaged by poverty and danger, these towering figures have discovered solace and inspiration in their passion for the game. Despite their challenging upbringing, which included surviving a devastating earthquake, Baptiste and Hard seized a life-changing opportunity to receive an education in America. Their basketball journey was filled with hurdles, but their unwavering determination and relentless hard work have yielded incredible results. Baptiste, an outstanding student with an exceptional 3.8 GPA, secured a scholarship at Vanderbilt University, propelling him towards a brighter future. Meanwhile, Hard, an upcoming senior, boasts an impressive three-point average and holds immense potential in the sport. However, their ambitions extend far beyond the court, as both athletes share a common yearning for success in multiple aspects of life.