Caleb Henderson - Lake Braddock Quarterback - Highlights/Interview

Discover the inspiring story of Caleb Henderson, a remarkable young athlete making headlines in the heart of our nation's capital through his outstanding performance in high school football. Standing out from a lineage of football giants, Caleb's towering stature and strong arm set him on a different path. Joining the varsity team as a freshman, he swiftly proved himself as a skilled quarterback, leading his team to success with an impressive 2,600 yards and 23 touchdowns over the past three years. However, Caleb's journey hasn't been without its challenges. In addition to his exceptional athletic talent, he battled difficulties with schoolwork and maintaining focus. After receiving diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia, Caleb and his family gained a deeper understanding of his learning differences and took crucial steps to support his academic success. With unwavering determination, Caleb continues to overcome adversities and rise above, setting a shining example for everyone. Don't miss the opportunity to witness his extraordinary story unfold! Watch the video now.