Chase Young - DeMatha Defensive End - Highlights/Interview

Discover the remarkable rise of high school basketball star Kyrian Bytes! Known for his exceptional skills and thrilling performances, Kyrian has become a crowd favorite at St. Louis High School. From a young age, his deep passion for the game drove him to tirelessly hone his craft, leading to a remarkable achievement of making the varsity team as a freshman. With his lightning-fast speed, impressive ball handling, and deadly accuracy from beyond the arc, Kyrian has caught the attention of college recruiters who are already expressing interest in him. Despite facing setbacks, injuries, and doubts, Kyrian's unwavering resilience and determination have always propelled him to bounce back stronger. He attributes his success to his relentless work ethic and the unwavering support of his family and coaches. And as Kyrian looks to the future, he dreams of playing at the highest level, inspiring aspiring basketball players around the world. Watch the video to witness his electrifying skills and hear his inspiring story of triumph against all odds.